W3WC Policies

At W3WC events, we are committed to ensuring a memorable and enriching experience for all attendees. As part of capturing the essence of our event and commemorating the moments shared, we utilize photography and videography to document the proceedings. By participating in W3WC events, you are agreeing to the following terms regarding the use of photographs and videos taken during the event:

1. Consent for Photography and Videography: By attending W3WC events, you grant permission to W3WC Marketing and PR CO and its affiliates to photograph and/or videotape you during the event. This includes both candid and posed shots, as well as any interactions or engagements with other attendees, speakers, or activities.

2. Intended Use: Photographs and videos captured during W3WC events may be used for promotional, marketing, educational, and archival purposes byW3WC Marketing and PR CO. This may include, but is not limited to, online publications, social media platforms, press releases, newsletters, promotional materials, and future event promotions.

3. Release of Liability: You understand and agree that W3WC Marketing and PR CO shall not be held liable for the capture, use, or distribution of any photographic or videographic materials in which you appear. You release [Event Organizers], its employees, contractors, and representatives from any claims, demands, or actions arising out of or in connection with the use of such materials.

4. Opting Out: If you do not wish to be photographed or recorded during W3WC events, please inform the event staff or photographers/videographers onsite. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request, although it may not be feasible in all circumstances.

5. Third-Party Use: While W3WC Marketing and PR CO will endeavor to control the use of photographs and videos taken during the event, we cannot guarantee the actions of third parties. Any photographs or videos taken by attendees or other third parties are outside of our control, and we encourage all attendees to be mindful of their own media capture and sharing activities.

6. Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of photographs or videos from W3WC events, please contact W3WC Marketing and PR CO.

By attending W3WC events, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Photography and Videography Consent Policy, and you agree to its terms and conditions. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us document and share the moments of this event.

W3WC Marketing and PR CO